WORLD DOULA WEEK & DOULA DAY: World Doula Week begins with World Doula Day on March 22nd and will go through March 28th annually. According to Evidence Based Birth and Dr. Christina Morton, a doula is "a companion who supports a birthing person during labor and birth." Not many people know what a doula is, and if they do, there are limited resources to help them choose which may be best for them.
If you want to learn more about doulas and how they can support you and your family from preconception through the first year of parenting, we invite you to check out our recent blog post, all about doulas. Here you can find more information, including support, resources, and even hear from some #CCCNMembers who are doulas their services.
Here are our current #CCCNMembers that are doulas in the local community:
Alisha Anderson
Ashley Daoust
Beyond the Bump
Birth Within Doula
Birthwork for All
Boonbani Birth Doula Services
Choose This Moment Birth Services
Emily Cracknell
Howell Family Health and Healing
Hula Hands Massage/Doula
Katrina Bolduc Birth Services
SLO Birth & Doula Collective
SLO Doula Connection
SMV Doula Collective
Sheryl Gross, Go with the Flow Lactation & Doula Services
Teresa Gibson, Doula Teresa
The Gardening Doula
Two Births Doula Services
Zabrina Cox
Visit the CCCN Member Directory Doula page to learn more about each doula and their services.

NATIONAL NUTRITION MONTH: National Nutrition Month in March is an annual campaign by the Academy of
Nutrition and Dietetics. This campaign wishes to raise awareness about informed food choices and to encourage individuals to develop healthy eating and physical activity habits. If you want to learn more about this campaign and additional resources, check out the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
We invite you to check out our CCCN Member Directory for nutritionists and health coaches in the local community, especially for those planning on getting pregnant, are currently pregnant, or just have given birth.
A proper diet and knowing what foods provide healthy nutrients before, during, and after pregnancy while also knowing what foods to avoid is crucial. #CCCNMember, Pregnant and Hungry, offers nutritional support during pregnancy. They are a subscription-based website featuring simple, pregnancy-safe recipes for the modern mama-to-be.
#CCCNMember, Wildflower Medicine, also offers Postpartum Food Prep! This online course is now open and can help moms and birthing people eat healthy after their baby is born. Family and friends are welcome to join too! Learn more about Wildflower Medicine and this upcoming course here. You can also visit their Instagram page for more information.
Find additional online nutritional support during pregnancy by visiting Pregnant and Hungry. "We're the only searchable collection of pregnancy-friendly recipes on the internet, every wholesome recipe is developed by women, for women. Eating for two? We got you." Check out Pregnant and Hungry's Instagram here.
Visit the CCCN Member Directory Nutrition page to connect with additional nutritional support and resources from preconception through parenting.
ENDOMETRIOSIS MONTH: March is International Endometriosis Month, where the hope is to increase awareness about Endometriosis and highlight the symptoms that affect around 176 million women worldwide, according to
The Cochrane Library defines Endometriosis as “an inflammatory condition where endometrial tissue (tissue similar to the lining of the uterus) grows outside of the uterus. It is estimated that 1 in 10 women have Endometriosis.”
One cause of infertility is Endometriosis. Early detection and treatment are key. It is important to know the signs/symptoms of the condition: Johns Hopkins Medicine talks more about Endometriosis, the signs and symptoms, causes, and more. Click here to learn more.
Join the campaign on social media using #EndometriosisAwarenessMonth to raise more awareness.
DEEP-VEIN THROMBOSIS AWARENESS MONTH: March is national Deep-Vein Thrombosis (DVT) Awareness Month, a public health initiative raising awareness of this commonly occurring medical condition. DVT is more widely known as blood clots or pulmonary embolisms that develop in the blood vessels in the body. According to the American Heart Association, up to 2 million Americans are affected by this a year.
Additionally, research published in the National Library of Medicine has determined the association of DVT with cesarean delivery. Although rare, there are still incidences of DVT after cesarean delivery at about 0.5%. While developing a blood clot can happen in anyone, women are at a higher risk for DVT during pregnancy, childbirth, and up to 3 months postpartum. According to the CDC, pregnant individuals are five times more likely to experience a blood clot than non-pregnant people. Visit the CDC’s webpage that discusses DVT, symptoms, and how to talk to your healthcare provider about risks/prevention.

INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY: March 8th is International Women’s Day. This global holiday is celebrated annually in the hopes of remembering the cultural, political, and socioeconomic achievements of women. This day upholds the achievements and great strides women have made over the past several decades. As well as recognizing accomplishments, this day also hopes to accelerate women’s equality today in the hopes of a more equal tomorrow. Visit the International Women’s Day website for more information and resources.
Use the #IWD2022 and #BreakTheBias on social media to raise awareness about this day.
SPRING EQUINOX: March 20th celebrates Spring Equinox. This day is the astronomical first day of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. It occurs when the sun crosses the equality line and heads north. It is one of the two times in the year that the sun is exactly above the Equator, making day and night equal in length.
In many cultures, this day symbolizes the return of fertility. This day marks the change of seasons from winter to spring. There have been ties between Spring Equinox and fertility.
NATIONAL SINGLE PARENTS DAY: “Being a single parent is not a life of struggles, but a journey for the strong.” March 21st is National Single Parents Day which recognizes single parents. This day lets single parents take a break from the everyday stress! This day honors all the love and support that parents and caregivers do to hold down the fort. It recognizes the hard work, devotion, and daily sacrifices that single parents make for their families.
If you or someone you know is a single parent and needs extra support, check out these resources. There are various support groups to help you navigate this chapter of your life. And remember, you are never alone.
Check out our low cost/free local resources that include parenting education & support and additional support groups/programs. Also, feel free to visit our web resources, which offer more support group programs online.

INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR THE ELIMINATION OF RACIAL DISCRIMINATION:March 21st celebrates International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. In 1979, the General Assembly dedicated that a week of solidarity starting on March 21st each year will recognize those who struggle against racism and racial discrimination. Read President Joe Biden's Statement by President Biden on the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination in 2021.To learn more about this International Day, visit the United Nations.
CCCN values respect, collaboration, and support. CCCN has partnered and welcomed diverse speakers and education to continue listening, learning, and fostering inclusivity, anti-racism, and anti-bias practices and culture. We invite you to access free resources that CCCN has supported.
IG takeover with Sonia Killibrew- Maternal Health Awareness Week
Authored in collaboration with:
Morgan Jamati, CCCN Intern
Zabrina Cox, CtP Program Director
Disclaimer: The opinions or beliefs expressed by various authors on this blog do not necessarily reflect the opinions or beliefs, and viewpoints of Central Coast Childbirth Network, INC. Central Coast Childbirth Network, INC does not offer medical advice. The content on this blog is for informational purposes only. The author's opinions are based upon information they consider reliable; thus, Central Coast Childbirth Network warrants its completeness or accuracy and should not be relied upon as such.